No Image001@WFF
PIP001 at Wallops Flight Facility

a PIP Characterizes Rain and Snow (Independently & Simutaneously) From Video - To Exciting Products By The Minute - Almost Always
Lost Image NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA USA 23337 Instrument Serial Number: ISN_001
Site Pics

Go To: (a) Daily Data, (b) Daily Precip Plots and (c) Movies of Rain and Snow
2013-01 2014-01 2015-01 2016-01 2017-01 2018-01
2013-02 2014-02 2015-02 2016-02 2017-02 2018-02
2013-03 2014-03 2015-03 2016-03 2017-03 2018-03
2013-04 2014-04 2015-04 X2016-04 2017-04 2018-04
2013-05 2014-05 2015-05 2016-05 2017-05 2018-05
2013-06 2014-06 2015-06 2016-06 2017-06 2018-06
2013-07 2014-07 2015-07 2016-07 2017-07 2018-07
2013-08 2014-08 2015-08 2016-08 2017-08 2018-08
2013-09 2014-09 2015-09 2016-09 2017-09 2018-09
2013-10 2014-10 2015-10 2016-10 2017-10 2018-10
2012-11 2013-11 2014-11 2015-11 2016-11 2017-11 2018-11
2012-12 2013-12 2014-12 2015-12 2016-12 2017-12 2018-12

Download YTD Material
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Data Data Data Data Data Data Data
Precip Plots Precip Plots Precip Plots Precip Plots Precip Plots Precip Plots Precip Plots
Other Plots Other Plots Other Plots Other Plots Other Plots Other Plots Other Plots

Disclaimer: These are Prelimanary Results.
Figures and tables subject to change due to (a) improved computational methods, (b) bug fixes and (c) other factors.
Use with caution and make comparisons to data from other instruments.

PIP001 is used for software development, so data collection is frequently interupted - mainly during fair weather.
On at least one several day period, the clock is off by 12 hrs. Comparison with other instruments is strongly recommended.

Walt Petersen is the Ground Calibration & Validation Manager for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission. Contact Walt
Larry Bliven,   of NASA\GSFC Wallops Flight Facility,  developed the PIP.
This PIP is located at the
NASA\Wallops Flight Facility.